Lost in Translation

My site is not too busy, but long time ago I have started publishing in multiple languages: English and/or Hungarian – depending on the subject and the expected audience.

To achieve this using WordPress, you need to use a plugin. And there are multiple ones out there however neither of those are compatible with each other. This means switching to another one is a pain. That’s why I postponed this move as long as I can…

Up until now I have used the qTranslate, and I was happy with it. As the time has passed this plugin however became abandoned, but it was still worked fine. Started with version 6.7 (I guess) something changed, and the plugin was stopped working. It means I was unable to postpone this task any more, and I have chosen the WMPL as the new solution.

The migration was painful – as expected – as I have ended up with a single language  for all of my posts :(

Technically  I’m not lost a single character, but it is just not visible for my readers. I would be able to recover those from backups and/or from the internal version control, but… That would require significant amount of time. And those are old post anyway, so I decided to not doing that. At least for now.

This means if you can’t find what you looking for, you might need to switch language and hopefully you find the post – in Hungarian language. Your browser might help you understand anyway, right? :)